Studio VS 11

    Studio VS 11



      Product Overview




      The Studio VS 11 bundle lets you Create and Validate high-quality bank compliant checks and includes VersaCheck® X1 Gold 2018 finance and check creation software, the VersaScan 21X MICR compliance check scanner, and a variety pack of 150 blank checks.


      With VersaCheck® X1 Gold 2018 you can Save 50-80% or more vs. buying pre-printed checks. Create business and personal checks 100% copy-safe, counterfeit-proof, and instantly DNA-identifiable. Powered by INKcrypt. VersaCheck X1 Gold TopSecure Series is an ultra-secure platform for creation and delivery of highly secure and safeguarded paper checks. This solution offers counterfeit prevention, financial account protection, real-time deposit alerts and avoidance of credit card finance charges. VersaCheck X1 Gold is a powerful financial tool that can help you manage your accounts, track accounts and transactions, and write, send and receive checks. This multi-featured program will help you save time and money, and will allow you to manage your finances with ease!

      With the VersaScan 21X you can test readability of the MICR encoded checks and documents you create with VersaCheck. The VersaScan 21X is easy-to-use, just insert check and view the light indicator. (green=pass, red=fail).

      Ensures your checks were set up and printed properly (MICR bank code line positioning and bank data formatting).

      The VersaScan 21 tests for sufficient magnetic signal strength so your checks will be readable by banks and retail outlets and compliant with new Check 21" federal law.

      You can also capture credit card information with the build in magnetic stripe reader.



      • VersaCheck® X1 Gold 2018 software & check paper included...everything needed to print your own checks!
      • Add unlimited accounts, manage & track your finances, and customize your account safeguards. INKcrypt security enabled
      • VersaScan 21X magnetic (MICR) verification scanner to ensure bank compliance
      • VersaScan 21X includes Credit/Debit card stripe reader




      • VersaCheck® X1 Gold 2018
      • VersaScan 21X MICR Scanner and Credit Card Reader
      • 1 VersaCheck® Paper Starter Pack

      Note: Scanner color and appearance subject to change without notice.

      Software Details

      VersaCheck® X1 Gold TopSecure™ Series is an ultra-secure platform for creation and delivery of highly secure and safeguarded paper checks. This solution offers counterfeit prevention, financial account protection, real-time deposit alerts and avoidance of credit card finance charges.

      VersaCheck X1 Gold is a powerful financial tool that can help you manage your accounts, track accounts and transactions, and write, send and receive checks. This multi-featured program will help you save time and money, and will allow you to manage your finances with ease!

      Includes all the functionality of VersaCheck X1 Silver plus...


      • Create Business Checks
      • Check Designer Pro™ – control all design elements on your checks
      • Send / Receive Checks and Drafts – by phone, fax & email
      • Built-in Positive Pay support to safeguard against account theft!
      • ePay Terminal - accept gCard debit payments from anywhere

      System Requirements

      System Requirements:

      • Windows® 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP (SP2), Server 2008, Server 2003
      • Pentium II 266 (Pentium II 300+ recommended)
      • 120 MB hard disk space
      • Min 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
      • CD-ROM (for software installation)
      • Laser or inkjet printer supported by Windows
      • VersaToner/VersaInk MICR black cartridges recommended
      • VersaCheck Paper Refills for DNA Compliant check printing
      • Verification of financial account authority
      • Internet access required for online features and account validation


      VersaScan 21X Specifications:

      FeatureSpecification / Comments
      MICR StandardISO1004 standard E13B, CMC7
      MSR StandardISO IBM format, dual tracks or triple tracks
      Reading IndicationGreen/red status LED for right/error reading
      Multi InterfaceRS232, IBM PC/AT/XT, USB (HID or Virtual COM)
      2400/4800/9600/19200 bps at option under RS232 interface
      Feeding Speed250mm/sec (30mm/sec)
      Reading Speed1.2sec/sheet (with 157mm sheet length)
      Power SupplyDC+12 V
      Head Lifetime500,000 cycles
      Recognition Accuracy Rate98% for E13B&CMC7 &MSR